1944 Easter

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I had the finest grandparents in the world, and they were very much a part of our lives. They lived only 4 blocks away. From the time I was quite little until my mid-teens, I spent every Sunday afternoon after church at their house.

Nannie and DeeDee at the beach

May not have been taken in 1944, but ages look about right.

Easter, 1944

Taken in Nannie and Dee Dee's back yard at Patrick Street.

Charlotte is 39, Harry, 43, Lynn, 6, Bob Stewart, 2.

Dee Dee is 50, Nannie 55.

These last four photos were taken in the Hopewell home front yard at 214 Rockbridge Road.

Lynn's first bicycle

It was a girl's model to "help me learn to ride."


This page last edited: June 25, 2008 Copyright© 2006 by Lynn Hopewell.